
Re: Has Anyone Ever Dove Bora-Bora

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Posted by Bad C on November 25, 2005 at 01:08:00:

In Reply to: Has Anyone Ever Dove Bora-Bora posted by Steven C on November 23, 2005 at 22:24:24:

I've been there several times. On the inside lagoon Manta rays can be seen many times but Vis is sometimes poor due to Lots of food in the water (That is why the Mantas are there). Best diving is in the pass and outside the lagoon. There are Sharks and Eagle Rays to see. On a safety stop a few years ago we saw a school of over 70 Eagle Rays pass right by us. This large school is not a common event to see as this ray is very timid around divers. Schools of 3-10 are more typical. Once in a while a whale shark and whales pass by this island. Coral is OK not spectacular. The giant clams (only small ones left) are easily seen and come in many different colors. Best Dive operation is Bora Diving Center. Check out their web site http://www.boradive.com (Keep away from Top Dive, too comercial) Bora Diving have been there the longest and have a very knowledgeable crew. They take the time to give you excellent personal treatment. There are many things to do topside when not diving. I suggest you go on one of the all day Snorkle picnics the day before you fly out. You get to feed stingrays and they provide a nice traditional lunch on a Motu. The Jeep ride thru the forest is wild. Ben's Snack has the best Pizza on the Island. The snorkeling outside the Bora Bora hotel is unbelievable. The island of Bora Bora is absolutely beautiful. You must take a boat or scooter around it to see all the beauty. It is only 20+ miles around by land. The color of the water is just like you see in the pictures. Bora in south of the equator and December / Jan can be a little hot and humid. Bring lots of DEET for the mosquitos. I heard this year there were not so many but you should be prepared. The Tahitians are a very friendly and accomodating people. If you speak some French it is helpful. I'm going back again in April / May '06. Good Luck

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