
Some pics from today's malibu dive

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Posted by scottfiji on December 18, 2005 at 18:51:55:

Walt, Tim and I dove Big Rock in Malibu today. Vis was quite low, 5-9 feet, surgy, but we had a lot of fun. No strobe or stacked macro, but a couple shots came out ok. Next time I have to get my photos out before Jim, not after him! lol

Featherduster worm, partially out

Rockpool blenny, living in a shell

Hedgehog hydroid

Yellow Gorgonian; the gorgonians here are all beautiful

Rock Scallop; you can see its eyes, which are great at detecting motion

Tips of the anemone

2 strong men (Walt and his son)

Walt's son and I

"Big rock" itself. Entry here is often difficult - you should not dive here.

Monterey dorid (Archidoris montereyensis nudibranch)

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