
yes on converter...setting transfer rate is not an option

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Posted by Walt on December 20, 2005 at 09:15:05:

In Reply to: Re: Tried that, but thanks posted by Chuck Tribolet on December 19, 2005 at 18:14:32:

My serial port is on the back of the chasis, so I took the easy route and used the USB adapter on the frontside and a converter. Reefnet thinks there may have been a static charge on the cradle which may have erased the memory, resulting in the empty raw data file).

Since it still registers voltage, firmware level, device ID's, and sampling rate the core software should be OK. I'll know on Christmas when we make our next dive. Since this is actually a third back-up "computer" (and I dive tables for beach anyway), nothing really lost. It is a convenient little device.

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