
Dive Report; Hermosa and Redondo Artificial Reefs

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on February 12, 2006 at 17:58:11:

Date: February 12, 2006
Dive Location: Hermosa Artificial Reef and Redondo Beach Artificial Reef
Buddy(ies): Marc and Hilary
Time: 10:56, 12:32
Bottom Time: :46, :30
Max Depth: 66', 78'
Vis: 0-4', 15'+
Wave height: 2-4
Temp at depth: 54F
Comments: My last dive with Hilary for awhile. She goes home to New Mexico tomorrow, but she will not be going home empty handed. There are three lobsters who have been granted temporary residence status in New Mexico, at least until dinner time tomorrow.
As we motored around the Palos Verdes peninsula we watched the high surf pound the shoreline of most coves. The water on the West side was green and the swells were still large, so we headed up to Hermosa Beach. The water was blue and I watched Marc's anchor drop at least forty feet below the surface. We even saw a whale aproaching the boat after we got in the water. We were in for some great vis...not! We hit the sand, only to find 0-3 feet vis. Oh well, we were looking for lobsters, not photo ops. We didn't see any for the first twenty minutes, then found two legal size boys near the end of the dive. I managed to grab one and kick Hilary in the head at the same time. Multi-tasking.
Hilary's drysuit leaked again, so she sat out the next dive. Too bad. We had at least fifteen feet vis at the Redondo Beach Artificial Reef. I grabbed another bug right away, but didn't stay too long after noticing that someone closed my isolator yesterday on my doubles, leaving me with half-fills.
On the way bach we looked for the Marineland Platform again. I think it got up and walked away. Still no luck.

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