
Dive report; Marineland 3-14-06 lost & found

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on March 14, 2006 at 13:18:58:

Date: March 14, 2006
Dive Location: Marineland
Buddy(ies): Solo
Time: 9:28
Bottom Time: :51
Max Depth: 43'
Vis: 2-8'
Wave height: 1'
Temp at depth: 51F
Comments: I played hooky today and decided to look for my long, lost weightbelt at Marineland. The surf was down considerably from Sunday so I entered from in front of the cave, near where I saw Christine ditch the weight. The vis here was less than a foot, as it usually is. No luck finding the weightbelt, but I continued on to the East reef to look around. The conditions weren't too bad. No surge and eight feet of visibility.
My sock fell off my right foot on the walk down the trail. Rather than removing my gear and drysuit I decided to not worry about it. By the end of the dive my right foot was feeling pretty numb. Reminder to Phil; Wear longer socks while diving.
The amount of life on the East reef is minimal compared to the Main reef off Long Point, but I did find enough to keep me interested for 51 minutes. I looked for the weightbelt again on the way out. It's there somewhere. Speaking of lost items, did anyone lose a dog? He/she is extremely friendly, well fed and comes when called. No collar. Last seen checking out Cobble Beach.

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