
Re: Re: Marineland Explodes! With Dendronotus iris, that

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on April 22, 2006 at 17:01:39:

In Reply to: Re: Marineland Explodes! With Dendronotus iris, that posted by scottfiji on April 22, 2006 at 16:34:11:

The vis got up to 25 feet out over the sand East of the point, however the red tide was at the surface, so it will float/spread around. I've only found the Dendronotus at the point. Some are at 60 feet, but I found more than a dozen at 35 feet today near the ladder and chain at the east edge of the main reef. Look for tube anemones with white spaghetti looking egs, and the Iris nudis will be nearby, usually climbing another tuber.

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