
Re: Corral Reef Diving for beginners with experiance

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Hilary on April 26, 2006 at 20:15:53:

In Reply to: Corral Reef Diving for beginners with experiance posted by Greg Davis on April 26, 2006 at 19:27:54:

Well I'm not sure if you're asking about local places, or places to fly to dive. For local destinations, out of San Diego, Los Coronados is great. Islands offshore, good for beginning divers. There is always Catalina, lots of easy sites there with lots to see. Sea Fan Grotto, Isthmus reef, eagle Rock, etc etc etc. If you are looking to fly somewhere, there are so many good tropical destinations. One of my favorites is Akumal. Good for beginners, less crowded than Cozumel. You can catch a fairly cheap flight to Cancun and take ground transport for about $15 miles down to Akumal, which is about 50 miles south. Nice reef, lots of turtles, not crowded. My daughter did her first open water trip there. Coz has lots of easy sites (not sure how they look after Wilma, heard the shallow sites were pretty torn up.) Key Largo is an option in the US. But there are really too many options to list...diving is awesome in so many places.

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