Posted by Max Bottomtime on May 06, 2006 at 13:34:01:
Date: May 6, 2006 Dive Location: Marineland Buddy(ies): Solo Time: 9:09 Bottom Time: 1:21 Max Depth: 47' Vis: 5-8' Wave height: 4'+ Temp at depth: 53F Comments: Ken Not-so-Mo2vated-to-drag-an-expensive-camera-through-the-surf and HBNotDivingInThatMessGirl were geared up and ready to go until some little pounding surf scared them. I, being the fearless Max Bottomtime walked right in. I was worried about my exit the entire dive. :) I kicked against a surface current until I decided to drop down on Rainbow Nudi Bank instead of making it all the way to the point. The vis was only five feet at best, with about eight feet further offshore. I took as many pictures as I could before heading back. Along the way I found a couple dozen Rainbow nudis including one still wearing its La Jolla colors. My camera batteries died just after I found a three foot Horn shark. I also noticed that I forgot to change the settings back after Chamber Evening, so most of the images from today were scrapped. I decided to surface on the outer half of the cobble beach to time the surf. I was able to walk out gracefully and made it back to the parking lot with not bumps, bruises or anything requiring major surgery. I'm sure it will be great tomorrow.
 Lars wants to know where his buttons are.  Lunch break is over.
 What's a Marineland dive without Hermissendas?
 These Kellet's Whelk eggs taste like Chicklets
 Bad shot of a La Jolla Rainbow nudi
 Puffball sponges
 Anemone and Feather Duster worm
 Horny fellow
R.I.P. Tim Miller 1959-5/6/2001