
Thanks Ross for another wonderful day

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Posted by Elaine on May 21, 2006 at 22:27:08:

In Reply to: Trip Report - Local diving with Elaine & Beth posted by Ross-O on May 21, 2006 at 22:03:15:

I can't wait to get my film back.

The Avalon was a beautiful sight. For the first time I think I understand the lay out.

The Sewer pipe was an object that has left me with more questions than answers - partly because I dove Whites Point so much with Paul Meister. For such an impressive rocky formation it had very little "normal" reef life. There were few urchins and I'm curious as to why kelp isn't attracted to the structure. PV used to be the site of one of our largest kelp beds. Every other rock had a nudibranch orgy and that was interesting.

I ran my dive computer profile and the last dive was a great profile for an extremely concervative approach to a deeper dive. I think we just went out of order. Those molas were stunning to say the least - one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. I don't have a clue what the structure was - but it was definitely something. No visual past the light beam really limited things and I wasn't going to let go of the anchor line for anything - oh.... you noticed that. Hope we can check it out again in the future.

Thanks again for a terrific day. My inner dive animal feels better now.

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