
Re: 'Not allowed'?

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Posted by Eric S on June 04, 2006 at 14:38:58:

In Reply to: 'Not allowed'? posted by Diver Z on June 04, 2006 at 07:01:20:

I was with my wife, my sister in-law, and my daughter. We were in a 745 Beemer and I got all mixed up with 2 people in the car telling me two different things. Anyhow, I got into an area of town that obviously was not the best. My sister in-law said for everone to lock their doors. I began noticing all the bars on the windows and one particular liquor store had what appeared to me to be bullet divots in the cement wall. Just then some lady pulls right out in front of me making me slam the brakes on. She stops right in front of me with her finger out the window and with her horn blaring proceeds to call me every derogatory term imaginable. This causes everyone hanging out on the side walk and infront of the liquor store to take notice and several people got to their feet to see if this lady that I so offended needed help. The light was red for what seemed to be an eternity. By this time a group of very nasty looking young black males had formed a group and where on their way to the center of the island where I was sitting. As soon as the light turned green I floored it and made a left right in front of oncoming traffic and got the hell out, this started a whole nother conflict. This turn put me in some really horrible run down industrial area that looked even worse and that is when I blew every light and stop sign to get out. Keep in mind I have 3 blonds in a BMW, OK. I prayed to get pulled over so I could get an escort out of that drug & crime infested rat hole of a place. In all the time I lived in Oakland I never felt quite that threatened. And to think this is supposed to be a free country where anybody should be able to go anywhere freely. Yeah right.

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