
Squid Run, snake eels, swell sharks (photos)

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by scottfiji on June 22, 2006 at 13:31:11:

I had 3 great dives at Redondo Canyon this week (Vets Park), 1 monday night, 2 last night. I dove with Kalani, Dana, and Andy McKay. Squid are running now. I've seen lots of new species (for me). Waves were small, vis was good. More marine life than I can describe. I saw lots of baby swell sharks last week. A video of the swell sharks is here:

Monday night's dives (Captions above)

Squid egg; soon afterwards the squid placed the egg in the sand

Eye of a halibut, 15ft depth.

Pipefish, 30ft depth (with a small shrimp in the background)

Sea Cucumber, 90ft depth

Octopus flying by

Sarcastic fringehead and nudibranch eggs


Baby Swell shark (from last week)


Last night's dives (Captions above; Chuck, please don't read this section, lol)

Very cool shrimp, unidentified

Here's looking at you kid

Spotted cusk eel

Tiny isopod crawling around in some kelp

Squid carrying egg, trying to place it in the sand

Yellow snake eel, what a rare sight! I think this is a different species than Phil's pet snake eel.

Squid, mulling about in the sand.

Squid eggs; there were many large clusters of squid eggs at 70ft

Pacific staghorn sculpin, 25ft depth; I love these guys! I saw two last night.



School of shiner perch

Pastel-camoflauged scorpionfish

Unknown sculpin, 55ft depth

2 poachers, unknown, very common

Unknown sculpin, 70ft depth

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