
Re: Re: Safer????

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on June 22, 2006 at 21:38:27:

In Reply to: Re: Safer???? posted by Christopher on June 22, 2006 at 11:21:39:

Kimber Thurman suffered an arterial gas embolism last month on the Hogan in 115'. She has the training, dives with a team and was using the "right" gas and an aluminum 80 of deco gas. She spent a couple weeks in a coma and is still in the hospital undergoing therapy. Could the fact that helium offgasses much faster have been the cause of her A.G.E.? I don't know, but using helium in her mix for a 115' dive didn't keep her safe.
I have used trimix a couple times and agree that you have a clearer head, but I have never been so narced that I couldn't handle an emergency situation. So many of the people on the internet who love to tell you how bad what you're doing is have never done it themselves and are simply repeating what they heard someone else say.
I have dived with Elaine and can attest that she is self-sufficient and very comfortable in the water at any depth. Those who keep asking how many times she has been bent need to read the archives. She suffered skin bends, probably due to the hot shower she took after three dives. Also, if you checked the archives you would see that at least two of the people ripping on her have an agenda. They have been ripping on anyone and everyone who does not dive their way for at least five years on this list and a few more on rec.scuba before that. It's the same old song and dance, just a few fresh faces in the audience who don't know any better.

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