
Great dive day

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Jeff Shaw on July 04, 2006 at 21:38:39:

Every diver sometimes forgets somthing.

Today I was on the Orion III with Sue, Ross-O and the Elainiac.

We were all suited up.... hey where'd I put my fins?
Shoot I forgot my fins.

Ross laughed and said that he had another pair in the cabin.
Ross couldn't find them. :-(
"Shoot, I must have taken them off the boat for the last trip to Hawaii.

Ross reaches for his Blackberry.
"Hey babe, why don't you grab my spare fins and go to Malaga and swim over to the boat, Jeff forgot his."

Remember the save the dive kit?
I never thought that Ross had a triathlete spouse in his.
She agrees, but gets to the parking lot and it has some festival going on and there is no parking.
Beth-O calls back and says to meet her at Haggs.
We motor over there only to see Beth climbing down an insanely steep cliff with the assistance of a rope. She said that she was not belaying down a sheer cliff, but it looked like it from the boat. No really there is proof, Elaine took pictures. Then Beth clambers across the rocks wearing a standard one piece swimsuit. swims through THICK kelp. and hands me fins. Thanks Beth.

Missed the Avalon, but did two Great dives off P.V.

Then Elaine nailed her navigation back to the anchor line, but her thoughtless buddies lost her in the low viz. No witnesses.


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