
Re: For every Chris there are 5 to 10 weasels

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Posted by Second Fiddle on July 28, 2006 at 14:34:52:

In Reply to: For every Chris there are 5 to 10 weasels posted by Walt on July 28, 2006 at 13:10:20:

When I worked on Dive Boats on a consistent basis (a few years ago)- I would have been glad to receive $5 per passenger on a consistent basis. I suspect that even today the average per passenger tip is significantly less than $10.

HOWEVER, as a passenger I would object to a "mandatory" tip convenience fee. I expect some reasonable level of service - what I get is usually significantly better - but when the service isn't there I sure as hell don't want a tip to be mandatory.

Personally, I find that tipping is getting completely out of control. You see signs of tips being expected everywhere - besides the traditional resturant you now see tip jars at the local donut shop, ice cream shop, barber, etc. etc. When are we, as a society, going to get reasonable service for the stated price of the service/product?


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