
Re: Dive Tracker Scout System

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on August 22, 2006 at 16:10:36:

In Reply to: Dive Tracker Scout System posted by Dawn on August 22, 2006 at 13:20:41:

Learn to navigate. It's really not hard.

I did a dive a while back where there were four divers, a team
of two, and two solo divers. The team of two and one of the
solo divers had various boat-finder widgets. I had depth gauge
and compass. I found the anchor line at the end of the dive.
The others did not, and this was on a site where there's a fair
amount of boat traffic so you REALLY want to surface next to the

One of the biggest advantages to learning to navigate is that you
find cool stuff again when you come back to the site.

The depth gauge is at least as important as the compass. If you
know what depth the anchor, it's lot easier to follow that
contour back than to search the whole bottom.


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