
Trip Report and Photos: Ace I, FS Loop, LA Break wall, Hawksbill Turtle

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Posted by Elaine on August 24, 2006 at 18:18:59:

Trip Report and Photos

Diving with Ross O. - August 13, 2006

The Wreck of the Ace I, Kelp Paddies, A Hawksbill Turtle,

The Wreck of the Loop, and the L.A. Break wall

Story and Photos © Elaine Jobin, may not be reproduced in part or whole without advanced written permission.

Whoopie, another dive day. This time with Ross O., Beth O. Claudette, and Claudette's husband Ted (Somehow Ted escaped the camera).

Ross Overstreet, Photo by Elaine JobinBeth Overstreet, Photo by Elaine Jobin Claudette Dorsey, Photo by Elaine Jobin

We decided that the Ace I would be our first destination. The California Wreck divers have a very good description of this ships history on the Ace I page of their web site

There was some surface current but it was quite calm on the wreck and the visibility was good for some wide angle photos. This wreck has an impressive population of Metridium anemone's.

Wreck of the Ace I in the San Pedro Channel, Photo by Elaine JobinWreck of the Ace I in the San Pedro Channel, Photo by Elaine Jobin Wreck of the Ace I in the San Pedro Channel, Photo by Elaine JobinMetridium anemones, Metridium farcimen, on the Wreck of the Ace I in the San Pedro Channel, Photo by Elaine Jobin Metridium anemones, Metridium farcimen, on the Wreck of the Ace I in the San Pedro Channel, Photo by Elaine Jobin Metridium anemones, Metridium farcimen, on the Wreck of the Ace I in the San Pedro Channel, Photo by Elaine Jobin

Beth O. jumped in for a swim and did some free dives to join us on the anchor like for our safety stop.

Beth Overstreet, Photo by Elaine Jobin

On our surface interval, we toured some of the area kelp patties. At one Paddy we saw two molas from the boat. The Molas seemed very interested in the boat. When we got in the water to check them out - they split. Under the Patty we found a school of bait fish near the surface and a school of Mackerel under the layer of bait fish.

As we continued our tour of kelp patties we spotted a turtle in the water. After scrutinizing multiple photos of the turtle we believe it was a small Hawksbill.

Eretmochelys imbricata, Hawksbill turtle in the San Pedro California Channel, Photo by Elaine Jobin Eretmochelys imbricata, Hawksbill turtle in the San Pedro California Channel, Photo by Elaine Jobin Eretmochelys imbricata, Hawksbill turtle in the San Pedro California Channel, Photo by Elaine Jobin

Beth and Claudette jumped in for a swim with the turtle until he made an evasive dive. They returned to the boat beaming from the experience.

Beth Overstreet, Photo by Elaine Jobin

The next dive site was the Wreck of the F.S. Loop. Once again, the California Wreck Divers have an excellent information page on the F.S. Loop

, Photo by Elaine Jobin , Photo by Elaine Jobin , Photo by Elaine Jobin Wreck of the F.S. Loop, Photo by Elaine Jobin Wreck of the F.S. Loop, Photo by Elaine Jobin Wreck of the F.S. Loop, Photo by Elaine Jobin Wreck of the F.S. Loop, Photo by Elaine Jobin Wreck of the F.S. Loop, Photo by Elaine Jobin Wreck of the F.S. Loop, Photo by Elaine Jobin Wreck of the F.S. Loop, Photo by Elaine Jobin Beth Overstreet, Photo by Elaine Jobin

For our last dive we decided on a live boat drift dive along the Break wall. This was my first dive here and I was amazed at just how beautiful it is. Gorgonian fans line the wall in perhaps the thickest concentration that I've ever seen. Kelp grows in the sand near by. I have always wondered where some of the most beautiful photos of underwater Southern California have been taken, and I believe that the break wall might be the spot. Not knowing what awaited, I took the macro cam on this dive. On a future visit, it will definitely be wide angle.

The macro selections weren't too numerous. There were some nudibranchs, some shrimp, small crabs, and an octopus.

Doriopsilla albopunctata, White spotted porostome, Photo by Elaine Jobin Octopus, Photo by Elaine JobinFlabellina iodinea, Spanish Shawl, Photo by Elaine Jobin

Perhaps the most interesting macro find was a Doriopsilla albopunctata with the brown coloration spotted by Ross O.

Doriopsilla albopunctata, White spotted porostome, Photo by Elaine Jobin Doriopsilla albopunctata, White spotted porostome, Photo by Elaine Jobin

After Beth picked us up, it was time to call it a day. We returned to the dock, giving the "Black Pearl" one more close inspection.

The Pirate ship the Black Pearl from the Pirates of the Carribean in the San Pedro California harbor The Pirate ship the Black Pearl from the Pirates of the Carribean in the San Pedro California harbor The Pirate ship the Black Pearl from the Pirates of the Carribean in the San Pedro California harbor The Pirate ship the Black Pearl from the Pirates of the Carribean in the San Pedro California harbor

It was a terrific diving day. We brought our previously work weary selves back ready to face another week. Just check out the change the day made in Ross.

Ross O. Before and After

Ross Overstreet, Photo by Elaine JobinRoss Overstreet, Photo by Elaine Jobin

Until Next Time.........

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