
Re: Re: A low pressure port can send a tank flying..

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on October 09, 2006 at 17:59:22:

In Reply to: Re: A low pressure port can send a tank flying.. posted by Kio on October 05, 2006 at 18:43:12:

There some risk from an LP failure. That tank definately wanted
knock itself over and then go spinning around on the deck.
Fortunately, I was holding it in just the right way (dumb luck)
to hang onto it. I suppose there's some risk from a whipping
hose too.

Because of the twin orifices in modern first stages and HP hoses,
I don't think there's much risk from the HP side.

BTW, if you have a tank spinning on the deck, DO NOT try and stop
it. You'll just get hurt. A few years back a tank of mine (a
little 27 cu. ft. rebreather tank) got loose at a dive shop (their
fault). It wiped out the glass front of the coke machine, put a
big dent in the side of the computer, bent the tank valve pretty
good, ripped up a new drysuit on the rack, and damaged the
foot of the guy who tried to stop it.
(the shop paid for a hydro and new valve). Me: I'd go out the
door as fast as my feet could carry me. You don't know where
the tank is going to go next, or worse, if it will hit something
just right to shear off the valve and turn it from a pinwheel
to a bullet.


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