
I love chocolate milk, just not diving in it.

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on November 08, 2006 at 18:50:07:

I planned to get in a mid-week dive before the coming cold front brings in poor conditions. As I entered at the Point the surf was manageable at 2-3 feet. I dropped through what I hoped would be a dirty layer of water. Unfortunately it went all the way to the bottom. It gave me a chance to use my HID light for the first time in several dives. The visibility on the main reef never got more than five feet. It was slightly better as I neared the cove, although the surge was getting pretty strong. I surfaced just outside the surf zone just in time to see a set of 8-10 footers pounding down on me. I ducked under the first wave, grabbed my mask and swam out about ten feet. After waiting for a smaller set that didn't seem to come I went for it. I landed on my feet after getting pushed halfway to shore, then made a mad dash for it. Mad dashes aren't as fast as you'd think on a rocky shoreline with crashing waves. No harm was done to any diver, drysuit nor camera in the making of this dive report. It would have been a good day to leave the camera at home. I only managed four shots during an 80 minute dive.

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