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Posted by Divebum Don on December 10, 2006 at 18:48:22:

In Reply to: sucba compressors posted by gregg M on December 10, 2006 at 16:01:25:

...."I’d like to have a compressor to extend the days we can be offshore or at the islands. Any ideas?..."

Hi Gregg, the first idea I have to extend your safe boating days offshore is to make sure your VESSEL, and CREW are ready and experienced, and outfitted for safe MULTIDAY excursions....nuff said.

..."the islands??" Hmmm, Catalina and San Nic., or Guadalupe and the Farallons, these are four different worlds?

How bigga' boat? Limited space usually equals limited range on a power boat. Gas or diesel, electric or sail, compressors are ALWAYS appreciated on a pleasure dive vessel.

Be Safe Out There!

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