
Re: Strict rules for Navy's use of sonar off coast

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Posted by Mike on January 12, 2007 at 05:56:52:

In Reply to: Strict rules for Navy's use of sonar off coast posted by on January 11, 2007 at 01:59:26:

In related news the Bureau of Land Management has requested the United States Army to cease all use of devices that emit "loud noises". Experts have linked 'loud noises' to the "running Rabbit syndrom" observes in our local deserts during military training excercises. Officials have requested the army use rubber wheels on thier tanks and issue silent ammunition for all cannons.

Folks, not one single ounce of evidence from any reputable scientist has shown that sonar has caused any harm what so ever to any marine mammal.

Next they'll be coming for your neoprene wetsuits and lead weights because they leach harmful toxins into the ocean.

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