
Do The Tuna

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by seahunt for LATUNAMAN on January 13, 2007 at 16:10:50:

Some days everything just comes together as if it was meant to be.
Our first day of tuna hunting in Mexico last week was one of those days. The
force was with us. It was a smooth ride to the outer banks the sky was blue and
the water was warm...but more importantly there were schools of tuna boiling
around us and tuna were jumping out of the water after the bait fish. I was
still loading my gun when I saw two large tuna cruise below me in the
light green haze. I was soon on the hunt, diving steadily to about 35 feet
and covering ground on the surface as well. A school passed below me and I dove
down towards them for a shot. The fish I was tracking picked up the pace and was
leaving me behind when I noticed he was being followed by several more fish the
same size. I simply waited to let one of them come by and fired. Soon I landed
my largest tuna to date, 65 lbs. My friend Dan soon got his new personal best, a
fat tuna of 140 lbs. Later that morning Del shot his new personal best at about
that same size. He had already landed a 70 lb wahoo . Soon afterwards I had
another school of tuna come by and I upped my personal best to 90
lbs. A little later I saw Skips float standing straight up and I knew
he was on too. His weighed about 150 lbs. I was very happy to see that we
now all had fish. Except for when I was loading my gun, every sighting of tuna
that day by any of us had resulted in a fish on the deck......Near the end
of the day I saw a group of about 8 tuna as I was dropping for a dive. I
slid down to their level , moved in slowly and fired, hitting a fish
broadside. He veered off from the rest of the school with the shaft sticking
out evenly on both sides. I headed up toward the surface to get air. A 40
minute fight ensued as he pulled the buoys down repeatedly. Little by
little I slid the buoys down the bungee float line to pull the fish towards
the surface until they were at the 30 ft shooting line.The fish
continued swimming in circles pulling hard. I was impressed with how strong he
was. Eventually he was exhausted and I was able to pull him up to the boat
for a gaff. It was another personal best for me at 160 lbs! .......The next day
we were turned back to port by rough seas and the day after that we were all
skunked for the day. But years from now all we'll remember are the
personal best tuna fish we all landed that first day in Mexico 2007.....Here are
the pictures.....Mel

160 lbs tuna

Dan's 140 lb tuna

Happy campers

65 lbs tuna

Del's 70 lb wahoo

90 lbs tuna

Do the tuna.... up close


Del's 140 lb tuna

Da Big 4
seahunt Diving For The Fun Of It

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