
West Coast Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Health Discussion Paper

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Posted by Brian Baird (California Resources Agency) on March 15, 2007 at 16:16:20:

TO: California Ocean and Coastal Community
FROM: Brian Baird, Assistant Secretary for Ocean and Coastal Policy, California Resources Agency
DATE: March 15, 2007
RE: West Coast Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Health Discussion Paper (attached)

On September 18, 2006 the Governors of California , Oregon and Washington announced the "West Coast Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Health" at the California and the World Ocean Conference in Long Beach California . The West Coast Governors’ Agreement sets forth a new proactive approach for regional collaboration to protect and manage the ocean and coastal resources throughout the entire west coast. The agreement directed the development of a set of specific regional recommendations and initiatives on seven priority areas, including:

  1. Ensuring clean coastal waters and beaches;
  2. Protecting and restoring healthy ocean and coastal habitats;
  3. Promoting the effective implementation of ecosystem-based management of our ocean and coastal resources;
  4. Reducing adverse impacts of offshore development;
  5. Increasing ocean awareness and literacy among our citizens;
  6. Expanding ocean and coastal scientific information, research, and monitoring; and
  7. Fostering sustainable economic development throughout our diverse coastal communities.
Staff from California , Oregon , and Washington have developed a discussion paper (attached) which we would like to share with the public. The purpose of the discussion paper is to solicit public input on the development of specific regional recommendations and initiatives, known as the regional action plan. Workshops will be held in all three states during the spring and summer of 2007 to solicit public input. Please see the attached discussion paper for more information about these workshops.

We look forward to hearing your comments on the discussion paper and your participation in one of the upcoming workshops.

The West Coast Governors’ Agreement can be accessed at resources.ca.gov/press_documents/WCOceanAgreementp6.pdf

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