
La Jolla Shores 3-17-07

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Ian on March 18, 2007 at 08:57:10:

Laura and I made two dives yesterday at La Jolla Shores. We had a blast. It’s so great to have an activity that I enjoy with my wife. It makes diving all that much more fun.

Laura was trying out her new BC. She got a SeaSoft BC through Sports Chalet. Laura has lost over 50 pounds, now, and her old BC just didn’t fit any more!!! (Yep! I’m REALLY proud of her!!!) When we were on the Magician, one of the "dive masters" (Earl?) talked to her about the SeaSofts. She ordered one through Sports Chalet to look at and bought it on the spot. (BTW - Earl, if you read this, send me an email. Laura has some questions. We’ll be aboard the Magician again on the 28th.)

I was trying out my new Suunto Vytec and Sherwood Compass (wrist mount). After being "tethered" with my previous computer console, being wireless is like being set free! The Vytec is wonderful! And so is the new compass - its bright white plate, large numbers, huge tilt angle and wide open boot side window make it a great compass for those of us are a bit older/wear glasses…

So, the first dive, I left the camera in the bag on shore and carried extra weight in case Laura needed it. The second dive, though, the camera went along and I am pleased with some of my efforts.

Dive #1:

La Jolla Shores

Depth: Max 70FSW AVG: 35FSW (really!)
Temp Top: 59ºF Bottom: 54ºF
Vis: 15-20 feet
Dive time: 36 min

We swam out to a depth of about 25ft before dropping down to the sand. Everything looked good on Laura and the new computer was working like a champ, so we headed west (270º azimuth) to the top of the canyon. We dropped into the first level and headed northerly.

Nothing really spectacular to report except that it was really just fun diving with Laura getting wet and checking things out.

Dive #2:

La Jolla Shores

Depth: Max 61FSW AVG: 42FSW
Temp Top: 61ºF Bottom: 57ºF
Vis: 15-20 feet
Dive time: 42 min

We worked the same general game plan but headed south at the top of the canyon this time.

Here’s Laura enjoying her new BC

Here’s a small mass of squid egg cases:

This little guys posed for his picture! As soon as the flash went off, he dove into the sand and disappeared (Swimming crab - Portunus xantusii):

These were everywhere around the squid egg sacs. Is it a juvenile flat fish or a small Sandab?

Standard Lewis’ Moon Snail shot (Polinices lewisii):

Seapen (Stylatula elongata):

Then, into the canyon…

Sabellid worm (Myxicola infundibulum)

A Wart-neck Piddock (Chaceia ovodiea):

Scaleside Piddock (Parapholas californica):

A teaser. This guy would look good on a plate with half a lemon and a rammy of drawn butter ($45 at a good topside restaurant). He was about a 2-1/2 pounder:

A Painted Greenling (Oxylebius pictus) I happened to see swim into a small niche in the canyon wall. I amanged to swim under the hole before popping up to catch him unaware:

There were quite a few of these at about 60FSW in the top of the canyon. Obviously they’re a juvenile of some variety, but I could distinguish which from my limited library. Anyone have an ID?

On the swim back in, we saw four or five of these things. They were about 1-1/2" long and looked a bit like some of the centipedes I grew up with in Kenya as a boy. Does anyone have an ID? My invert book doesn’t seem to show any of these/

It was a great day diving with my wife. Thanks sweetheart!

Oh! And to top it all off, I spoke with the Jamaican gentleman who’s wife had the mishap at the Shores awhile back. Apparently, in answer to pray, she’s making a full recovery and will suffer no lasting ill-effects. Our hearts go out to both of them and we’re really glad that all will be well!

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