
OML 120 Reef 5/3

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Lee on May 03, 2007 at 20:59:38:

Date: 5/3/07
Dive Location: OML 120 Reef
Buddy(ies): Angelique
Time: 9:57 am.
Bottom Time: 1:08 Min
Max Depth: 42 fsw
Vis: 8-15 feet
Wave height: 2-3 feet
Temp at depth: 51F
Surface Temp: 65F

I met up with Angelique this morning at OML for a Thursday morning dive. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. The swell coming in is still active and the point was not do-able today. The waves moving across the point and the outer area were pretty significant. The cove on the other hand was looking VERY do-able. The waves were only 2-3 feet and the surface in the cove and across the reef area looked nice and calm.

Entry at Cobble beach was a piece of cake. We kicked out and dropped down past the rock point. The visibility was better then a few days ago. The particles in the water were not as bad this time around. We headed in our normal 120 direction to see who would be out and about today.

On our way out we headed on the right side of the reef coming across some interesting rock structures and ended up in the sandy area at the end. We made our turn and headed on in on the other side of the reef. We took our time checking everything out. We ended up far to the right of the rock point which was cool because we came across an area we have not seen before. Basically, the rock walls were amazing. Even with the strong surge, we had a great time going in and out of the rocks. The visibility also was much better then out on the reef. With the extra light in the shallow areas (15-25 feet) I was able to get some nice shots of many Spanish Shawls hanging around and laying eggs too.

On a calm day I bet this area is a total blast. I can’t wait till the swells go away!!

Below are some highlights from the dive:

Diaulula Nobilis

Giant Spined Star Eating

Kellets And Eggs

Hermit Crab

Lots Of Stuff

What Is this?

Spanish Shaw

Small Tube Anemone

Spanish Shawls Laying Eggs

Rock Scallop

Sea Cucumbers

HS Science!

The Plan

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