 Clipperton Island Coral Reef |  Clipperton Island Coral Reef |  Caranx melampygus (Bluefin trevally) |  Caranx melampygus (Bluefin trevally) |
 Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Ostracion meleagris (Whitespotted boxfish) & Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Alicia Hermosillo |  Alicia Hermosillo |
 Arothron meleagris (Guineafowl puffer) |  Sandy Curtis |  Aluterus scriptus (Scrawled filefish) |  Aluterus scriptus (Scrawled filefish) |
 Aluterus scriptus (Scrawled filefish) |  Aluterus scriptus (Scrawled filefish) |  Aluterus scriptus (Scrawled filefish) |  Aluterus scriptus (Scrawled filefish) |
 Cantherhines dumerilii (Whitespotted filefish, Barred filefish) |  Cantherhines dumerilii (Whitespotted filefish, Barred filefish) |  Johnrandallia nigrirostris (Barberfish), Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish), & Stegastes baldwini (Clipperton gregory) |  Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |
 Epinephelus clippertonensis (Clipperton grouper) |  Dermatolepis dermatolepis (Leather bass) |  Dermatolepis dermatolepis (Leather bass) & Myripristis berndti (Bigscale soldierfish) |  Stegastes baldwini (Clipperton gregory) |
 Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Coral |  Gymnothorax dovii (Fine-spotted Moray) |  Gymnothorax dovii (Fine-spotted Moray) |
 Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |
 Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Melichthys niger (Black durgon) |  Ctenochaetus marginatus (Striped-fin surgeonfish) |  Johnrandallia nigrirostris (Barberfish) & Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |
 Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Melichthys niger (Black durgon) |  Melichthys niger (Black durgon) |  Gymnothorax dovii (Fine-spotted Moray) |
 Mary & John Munch |  Roberto Chavez Arce |  Coral |  Mulloidichthys dentatus (Mexican goatfish) |
 Acanthurus nigricans (Whitecheek surgeonfish) |  Ctenochaetus marginatus (Striped-fin surgeonfish), Acanthurus nigricans (Whitecheek surgeonfish), & Zanclus cornutus (Moorish idol) |  Echinothrix diadema (urchin) |  Gymnothorax dovii (Fine-spotted Moray) |
 Gymnothorax dovii (Fine-spotted Moray) |  Ctenochaetus marginatus (Striped-fin surgeonfish), & Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Dermatolepis dermatolepis (Leather bass) |
 Dermatolepis dermatolepis (Leather bass) |  Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish) |  Aulostomus chinensis (Pacific trumpetfish), Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish), Ctenochaetus marginatus (Striped-fin surgeonfish), & Epinephelus clippertonensis (Clipperton grouper) |  Clpperton Island Coral Reef |
 Juvenile Dermatolepis dermatolepis (Leather bass) |  Johnrandallia nigrirostris (Barberfish), Holacanthus limbaughi (Clipperton Angelfish), Thalassoma robertsoni (Clipperton rainbow wrasse), & Thalassoma grammaticum (Sunset wrasse) |  Epinephelus clippertonensis (Clipperton grouper) |  Epinephelus clippertonensis (Clipperton grouper) |
 Gymnothorax dovii (Fine-spotted Moray) swims along the anchor chain of the Nautilus Explorer |  Stegastes baldwini (Clipperton gregory) |  Stegastes baldwini (Clipperton gregory) |  Gymnothorax dovii (Fine-spotted Moray) swims along the anchor chain of the Nautilus Explorer |
 Gymnothorax dovii (Fine-spotted Moray) swims along the anchor chain of the Nautilus Explorer |  Gymnothorax dovii (Fine-spotted Moray) swims along the anchor chain of the Nautilus Explorer |  Pedro Medina Rosas |  Kirstie Kaiser |