
Vets Park report/photos

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Posted by scottfiji on May 31, 2007 at 11:12:36:

I had two nice dives at Vets last night with Andy and Lee

total bottom time: 102 minutes

max depth: 96ft

vis: poor in shallows due to red tide (but still good enough for some photos), better past 55ft (10-12ft)

surf: fairly low, with wind chop. entry/exit fairly easy

temp: 62 in shallows, 52 at depth, gradual thermocline

Highlights of the dives include a baby snake eel, and skeleton shrimp.

Other sightings include hermissenda, black dorid, rock crabs, lots of different shrimp species, pacific staghorn sculpin, a tiny baby pipefish, a couple fringehead, poachers, roughback sculpin, tons of octopus, lots of flatfish, baby thornback ray, small lizardfish, round stingray, lots of baby rockfish & small perch, and a few cusk eels. No eelpouts :(

enjoy the photos, Scott

Roughback sculpin, straight on

Mating shrimp?

small halibut

the famous "brown shrimp"

cool octo, straight on

3 skeleton shrimp

more skeleton shrimp

dancing skeleton shrimp

octo on the prowl


famous "red shrimp", found deeper

baby rockfish, give me a kiss


black dorid

unknown shrimp, strange body. This was my first time finding this species

Baby snake eel. Unlike the adults, he didn't retract back into his hole.

target shrimp

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