
A boatload of fun. Well, two boatloads.

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on June 16, 2007 at 18:19:38:

I joined Merry Passage, Elaine Jobin and Ross Overstreet aboard the Orion III for dives on the Olympic II and Georgia Straits wrecks today. We were joined by Frank O'Donnell, Jon Davies and Eric Sedletzky aboard Frank's Boat With No Name. We waited while the divers from the Down Time got out of the water so we could anchor on the Olympic. The water here was a nice shade of blue. It was a nice change of pace from the brown water of the past few weeks. The vis on the wreck was marginal but I found the same type of polyclad flatworm as I did on the Avalon wreck last week, Pseudoceros montereyensis. Merry spotted a small nudibranch, Cadlina flavomaculata. It was only the third time I've seen one. I brought back lots of salt water from the dive. I had leaks in my mask, drysuit and light.
We then headed over to the Georgia Straits. The surface water was green, but we had good conditions on the wreck. It is surrounded by Sand Rose anemones, Urticina columbiana. There is a new net covering much of the structure, but the metridiums, rockfish and large sand bass seem to be thriving. One thing that really stood out was an albino sea cucumber. The water was filled with at least five species of jellies, including Leucothea pulchra.
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