
Re: The larger picture behind Sport Chalet's dishonorable actions

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by scjoe on June 27, 2007 at 15:36:46:

In Reply to: The larger picture behind Sport Chalet's dishonorable actions posted by MHK on June 27, 2007 at 13:09:14:

While I disapprove of what seems to be the SC heavy handed tactics, I am not sure we can attribute it to a single quarterly earnings statement. If SC is seeing a decline in scuba revenues it may simply be a sign that the boom they helped create in scuba certifications has passed. Scuba, like tennis, is a marginal sport. These types of sports become popular for a period of time, then many of the avid participants move on to something else and new participants do not replace them.

I assume that most of SC's scuba customers are new students, although I have no way of knowing. However, if I am correct, I doubt these students can tell whether they are getting a watered down product. What would they have to compare it to?

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