
Vets 6/27 Night Dive

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Lee on June 28, 2007 at 09:51:05:

Date: 6/28/07
Dive Location: Vets
Buddy(ies): Angelique
Time: 9:21 pm.
Bottom Time: 1 Hr 4 Min
Max Depth: 80 fsw
Vis: 10-15 ft
Wave height: 2-3 feet
Temp at depth: 55F
Surface Temp: 65F

Great night for diving Vets last night! The waves were uneventful, the shallow temps are up and the visibility was not too shabby.

We kicked out at the middle stairs and descended at the end of the pier. There was a ton of critter out tonight!!!! This was one of those classic Vets nights when there was so much going on that navigation was a pain in the a**. Tonight was a nudi explosion!! We were able to see Black Dorids, Flabellina, Hermessenda and Triopha. I’m sure there were a few I missed also.

I was lucky to have Angelique finding almost everything for me. She would find one thing after the next and it was hard to keep up with the shots because I was shooting manually and using my light cannon to light up the subjects at the same time. I probably missed a few good subjects here and there.

In the shallows, we came upon a group of Pipefish that were extremely playful so we stayed with them for a while before heading in.

When we go to the parking lot, we met up with Claudette and her new bitchen scooter. It was cool to hear some scooter stories and talk about what we saw.

Below are some highlights from the dive:

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