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Posted by Divebum Don on July 10, 2007 at 19:48:03:

New access now is: from the old gate go East on PV Drive about 1/4 mile to Seawolf Dr. turn Right, go to Beachview turn Right, go to Nantasket (turns Left), follow Nantasket to the new lot at the end of Nantasket @ Seacove Dr.

-There are only 10 spots in the new parking lot and some street parking.
-Guards may open the gate early or stay open late? 8 - 5 seems the norm for now. Access may be denied sometimes for construction.
-You might consider carting gear, though the walk is longer the grade is improved.
- Public Access is now channeled to the "Cove"(beach) and "Point" access is not likely during construction, so most hardy Point divers should remember that now a 1/4 mile surface swim will be required get you out to the "Goodies" (that new scooter looks better than ever ;~)

>>>>>>Eric Frasco and I are bringing out the BBQ's THIS Sunday July 15 to "Bless" the new parking lot and Everyone is invited!!!<<<<<<

ALSO......for all of you who can't get enough OML, there's a cool ~Marineland Remembered~ exhibit coming to the RPV Interpretive Center @ Point Vicente (next door to OML) starting on Saturday, July 14, 2007 the City of Rancho Palos Verdes' Point Vicente Interpretive Center will unveil a new exhibit highlighting the West Coast's first oceanarium, "Marineland of the Pacific”. This well-loved, local marine theme park was popular with families from August, 1954 to its sad closing in 1987. Visitors thrilled to the antics of killer whales Orky and Corky, Bubbles the whale, and many other marine life favorites at the largest oceanarium of its time. See this exciting new exhibit, tour the museum, and enjoy oral histories and anecdotes by former Marineland personnel. Free popcorn and lemonade, children’s activities, sea chanteys, book signings by local authors, and photo ops with one of the original Marineland entrance dolphin statues await visitors. Join us for a day of Marineland memories!
WHO: Everyone

WHAT: PVIC Open House & unveiling of the new "Marineland Remembered" exhibit

WHERE: Point Vicente Interpretive Center, 31501 Palos Verdes Drive West, Rancho Palos Verdes

WHEN: Saturday, July 14th, from 10am to 5pm

INFORMATION: Admission and parking are free. Call 310-377-5370.

The Exhibit is slated for @ 90 day duration, but is likely to be extended according to my docent friends @ PVIC.

Sea ya Out There!

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