
Vets Night dive July 11th, report and photos

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by scottfiji on July 12, 2007 at 10:41:47:

Kev and I had a nice dive at Vet's last night. We spent a lot of time between 90ft and 100ft which was nice. Didn't find any Lion Nudies, but saw lots of Bay gobies at that depth. Swarms of large isopods were out at around 50-60ft attracted to our lights, yuck! I watched one of them get eaten by an anemone, don't miss the photo sequence below.

I also saw a cool free-swimming worm. when he hit the sand, he turned into a shape that looked like a snail. then he dug into the sand, it was cool. See the photo sequence.

Time: 67 minutes
max depth: 102ft
gas: EAN33
temp: 70 at surface, 51 at depth, BRRRRR
surf: lots of wind waves, they looked worse than they were
vis: poor in the shallows, 10-14ft (but variable) in the canyon
critters seen: see photos

The isopod gets caught by the anemone.

Getting pulled down

one last chance for escape!

getting sucked into the mouth

Spotted cusk eel

Sarcastic fringehead

Two target shrimps

Bay goby

Baby giant kelpfish, 60ft depth

F. pricei nudibranch

Free-swimming worm, curled up after he hit the sand

Worm digging into the ground

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