
Re: Scuba Cylinders

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by BENTMAN on July 18, 2007 at 17:29:32:

In Reply to: Scuba Cylinders posted by Darren on July 15, 2007 at 09:18:36:

Hi Darren; I would recommend a low pressure steel FABER 95 cu ft. tank, which is filled at 2400psi with a 10% overfill which comes out to 98 cu ft at 2650 psi. It is smaller than the 119 and the boat can and will fill your tank since most boat compressors can only go up to 3000psi. Some boats are now capable of going higher, but you better check with them. If the boat accidentally fills up your FABER tank to 3000 psi, you will get approx. 105- 110 cu ft. of air and its no big deal because the FABER tanks are designed to have 4000psi in Europe WITHOUT burst disks. Go figure. Low pressure Faber tanks are the best and strongest tanks that I know. The buoyancy characteristics are excellent too, dropping some of your weight off your belt vs. aluminum tanks. Enjoy the sport and most of all, HAVE FUN with your new tank, which ever you decide.

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