
Vets 8/15 Night Dive

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Posted by Lee on August 16, 2007 at 11:08:08:

Date: 8/15/07
Dive Location: Vets
Buddy(ies): Angelique
Time: 8:57 pm.
Bottom Time: 47 Min
Max Depth: 80 fsw
Vis: 5-10ft
Wave height: 2-4 feet
Temp at depth: 54F
Surface Temp: 66F

Our plan was to dive OML at night. Angelique went there yesterday at 10 pm and found it was open. Tonight I showed up and there was a chain across the lot opening and the gate was chain locked too. DAMN!!!! Plan B, go to Vets.

Since we were there around 8:30 pm, the lot was not that full. There were a group of diver going in for a class but not too many other people were there. We suited up and walked sown to the middle stairs. The plan was to go out till 80 or 90 and then work our way back up stopping at the salad field around 50-30 feet.

The waves were not too bad tonight. They were till rolling in consistently but they were on the weak side. We finned out to the end of the pier and dropped down into just OK visibility. As we made our way down the canyon, the vis got a little worse.

There were tons of critters out tonight. Octo’s both big and small, a few species of nudi’s (One new one for me!!!) Fringeheads, Cusk Eels, tons of crabs and a HUGE Sea Cucumber which I did not get a chance to take a picture of. This guy was almost as big as my arm!

The dive was cut a bit short because Angelique’s computer was telling her she had only 4 minutes of non deco at around 50 feet. When we moved into 30-20 feet, there was a considerable surge and almost nothing around so we just decided to go in with over 1000 psi left in our tanks. Oh Well!!

Below are some highlights from the dive:


Lizard Fish

Acanthodoris Brunnea (NEW FOR ME!!)

Spotted Cusk Eel

Triopha Maculata

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