
nudies, nudies, nudies... point loma dive report/photos

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by scottfiji on September 17, 2007 at 18:47:12:

Had 2 great branching dives in the Point loma kelp forests yesterday. Went out with Barbara, Peter, Mike and Kevin. Found 3 new nudie species for myself, whoopee!!! the water was freezing, but the nudes were out at both dive sites.

12 species of nudies made me quite happy. The most interesting species are in the photos.

I was most excited about finding a Phidiana hiltoni on the 2nd dive, I've been waiting a long time to find one! So today I honor the P. hiltoni with a 3-photo tribute. P. hiltoni, we salute you!

Even though the 1st dive was at dragon head, we anchored quite a ways from the wall. Peter and I didn't find the wall until the very end of the dive, but it was beautiful! 2 large heads of anemones on both sides, and a huge mass of rockfish and blacksmith awaiting us at the opening to the wall, including a couple large vermillions. It was quite grand.

The 2nd dive included an area with lots of coonstripe shrimp, a P. tricolor (saw one on the 1st dive too), and the dive concluded with a nice large Lavender sculpin who allowed a close approach. However, he wouldn't put his fins up, he must have been very chilled. If I wasn't low on air I would have spent more time with him!

dive stats:

dive #1, dragon head: 59ft, 52 degrees, 63 minutes
dive #2, kevin's grotto: 78ft, 51 degrees, 58 minutes

we had some surge down below, 20-25ft vis with particles in the water, and no significant current.

small tritonia festiva

Doriopsilla gemela, new nudie for me!

spanish shawl. These guys are always photogenic, unlike some other nudes..

hilton's aeolid, rising up

hilton's aeolid, checking for navanax.. is anyone following me??

hilton's aeolid, the last shot of the tribute

coonstripe shrimp

cadlina flavomaculata

proliferating anemone

Polycera tricolor, a new nude for me!

Cadlina luteomarginata

Lavender sculpin, Leiocottus hirundo

small 2-inch sculpin, maybe a Coralline sculpin

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