
Squid Boats at Point Vicente

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Chris on December 18, 2007 at 12:04:28:

I went on the wreck dive to the Palawan and Avalon last Sunday aboard the Great Escape.

As we were heading for the Palawan we passed a squid boat.

We kept going and then did some very nice dives at the Palawan and Avalon.

For the last dive Captain Tim stopped at Marineland. From the boat you could see the armada of squid boats gathering at Point Vicente.

When I went swam to the reef at Marineland there were quite a few squid eggs on the bottom in the 80-90 foot range.

I have got to think that if the armada is at Point Vicente for squid that Redondo has to be happening any day now.

The sad thing is the the armada of squid boats seems to grow every year. It would not surprise me if they manage to over fish the squid. The squid don't really stand a chance against this onslaught.

... Chris

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