
Re: Topside Photo Question - begging for your indulgence

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Posted by t-bone on January 21, 2008 at 01:36:13:

In Reply to: Topside Photo Question - begging for your indulgence posted by Wayne on January 20, 2008 at 22:11:26:

Standard UV and Haze filters will not affect focus nor will a circular polarizer of decent quality (I use BW pro line) A standard polarizer will throw your auto-focus off.

I'd imagine that your problem is coming from the fact that you dropped your lens. Any fall from as little as 2 feet and especially any fall that will break your filter can and most likely threw your back focus or an element out of wack enough so that you can't compensate for it at one extreme of your focusing ring.

I'd contact your local Nikon Service Center and have them take a look at it for you.


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