
Haliotis corrugata (Pink Abalone) from San Clemente Island

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chris on February 25, 2008 at 14:29:57:

Last Saturday I went to San Clemente Island aboard the Ocean Odyssey with the Sea Divers.
Our first dive was at Fish Hook Reef. Dives two and three were on the East End Reef. While diving at the East End I came across an are that had two small rock walls facing the inside of a plateau. On one wall there was three pink abalone, and the other wall had one. These are the pictures of those Pink Abalone (Haliotis corrugata).

Haliotis corrugata (Pink Abalone)
Haliotis corrugata (Pink Abalone)

Haliotis corrugata (Pink Abalone)
Haliotis corrugata (Pink Abalone)

Haliotis corrugata (Pink Abalone)
Haliotis corrugata (Pink Abalone)

Haliotis corrugata (Pink Abalone)
Haliotis corrugata (Pink Abalone)

©Chris Grossman, diver.net

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