
Are Australian great whites different than ours?

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Posted by Steve Clark on March 06, 2008 at 08:08:35:

I was reading about an attack off Adelaide in ’05 and was struck by the shark’s behavior. I always thought that GWS were strictly ambush predators and came out of nowhere. Any thoughts? I might have to dive the area in the future…
Excerps: the shark, presumed to be a great white, began circling them. Justin Rowntree, who had been diving with Jarrod Stehbens, a University of Adelaide colleague, said: “I thought it was a dolphin, It just nudged my side and I looked around [and saw] just a big white mass.”
As the pair resurfaced and tried to return to their boat, the shark repeatedly used its snout to force Mr Stehbens, 23, under the water. Two researchers helped Mr Rowntree aboard the boat, but they watched in horror as the shark took hold of their colleague and dragged him under. Mr Stehbens was seen calmly trying to free his leg from the shark’s jaws.
“Jarrod fought it off initially and then it came back again and grabbed his leg and just took him deeper,” Mr Rowntree said. Police later found an oxygen tank and a buoyancy vest,

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