
This is why I gave up on Sport Chalet

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by divinotter on March 18, 2008 at 11:55:53:

I went by my local dive shop (I know I should just say LDS - but it feels weird to me) and it was closed. So having the tanks already loaded and not wanting to make another trip- I went 20 minutes each way to Sport Chalet. Just like the last couple times I've gone - the compressor wasn't working again (at Santa Clarita). The last time I gave them a try was last year - but still I feel that customer service and reliability are low on their list (I've heard horror stories about tanks and regs ending up in the rental gear. I'm glad that California Diving Co is here in Santa Clarita because if we had to rely on Sport Chalet we'd be in trouble-

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