
Re: Dive Spot Suggestions Malibu to Ventura?

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Posted by scottfiji on April 04, 2008 at 11:44:26:

In Reply to: Dive Spot Suggestions Malibu to Ventura? posted by Rich on April 04, 2008 at 11:14:31:

conditions in malibu can be very bad this time of year, suffering from either surf, red tide, green water, or rain.

westward beach is your best bet (same parking spot as point dume), except you just swim straight out, instead of swimming out to the point dume pinnacles. you can get a little deeper here, but its mostly sand. the water is a little clearer here too. its a popular spot with adv & DM classes

deer creek has easy parking and easy entry, but can only be dove when its very flat, and its quite shallow for a while, and usually suffers from one of the above ailments I mentioned in the first paragraph at this time of the year

hope this helps

scott gietler

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