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Posted by Jeff Shaw on April 06, 2008 at 18:15:21:

In Reply to: Re: Today on the Great Escape posted by Jeff on April 06, 2008 at 13:17:28:

I have never been on the GE, but would like to.

On the subject of your post, can you be respectfully specific?

There are a LOT of Jeffs in the local dive scene. How can we trust your experience without a qualification via a recount, ot through your established reputation?

Captain Tim is a professional in the industry. He deserves to hear when services are percieved as poor so thaqt he can either rebut or adjust.

I am sure that you would not like unsubstantiated chritisizm of your work for all to see on a public BBS.

Oh wait, that is what I am doing.


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