
thur night dive

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by halibug on April 25, 2008 at 12:20:41:

Our group dived South Laguna on thur night. Conditions were good, 2' surf, low surge, 10-20' vis, but the water remains very cold. Surface temp was 55, and below 20' was 52 degrees, definately colder than normal. We encountered large schools of mini mackeral, and grunion right in the surf zone. My buddy John c. saw porpoise feeding 20yrds from the beach while he was exiting the water. A rare and exciting sight. Conditions were good for Halibut, but we did not see many fish, just a couple short fish, and I was able to get a nice 28" 9lb fish, enough to share filets with my buddies. I had a Harbor Seal follow my light for a while, they like to use the light to spot and eat fish in the dark water, very smart animals. I just read the report of the shark attack in San Diego, very sad. This comes after many white shark sightings in so cal the last few years, all of the sudden I thought about swimming in the dark night water last night with that bleeding Halibut hanging from my clip. We must remember we are entering a wilderness each dive in which we are not the apex predators. Enjoy the diving.

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