
Re: Re: Re: Re: Last $100 day ever this Sat 7th!

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by Robert C. on June 05, 2008 at 09:53:23:

In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Last $100 day ever this Sat 7th! posted by renaldo on June 05, 2008 at 08:44:25:

Ok...this is my first posting on here but I could not resist on this one...especially since there have been some 'recent' posting on here discussing this.

I am not one to talk bad about an operation unless I have personally experienced it; we all have our own opinions and need to make judgments for ourselves.

In regards to Renaldo's comment on Sunfish....yes it does appear to be a good 'deal'. I was thinking that myself then read postings on here. If you go back and read the posting strings posted on May 8th "May 12 Open Boat" you may get a better understanding. Again, I have NOT personally had any experienced diving with the operation but understanding the dive industry, boating and business pricing you learn that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

In regards to the comment that Bottom Scratcher is charging too much I must say that I recommend doing some research of boat pricing. You will find most boats are quite comparable. I'm all for a good deal, believe me! I also do understand the costs involved and am sometimes amazed at how they do it with the current prices especially with gas prices etc.

There were some good postings regarding boat pricing...more in line of dive shop charter vs open boat pricing but still gives a good perspective of boat pricing. There were postings on 5/22/08 "Why the high costs of Dive boats?" Recommended going through that string to get a better perspective.

You can also go to www.californiadiveboats.com and check all the dive boat operations in California and check on pricing. I think you will find that $100 is a great deal! No, I'm not promoting Bottom Scratcher and have no affiliation with them....I have my own personal favorites but you need to recognize the market and a deal when there is one and not base it on 1 other boat price. There are other factors to consider other than simply price.

Apologize for the long response here but feel that people really need to do their homework and understand business before making comments. I know I sure would not want to be a boat owner doing charters in this business climate!

On that note: happy and safe diving :)

It's all about the Bubbles :)


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