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Posted by Steve Clark on June 24, 2008 at 08:31:55:

In Reply to: Participate! posted by Chuck Tribolet on June 23, 2008 at 14:30:55:

If we as a dive community let events like this pass without expressing our point of view it will always be assumed that we are ambivalent about the sea. It takes courage to go up against 300 angry fishermen who still think the earth is flat, all science is worthless, the ocean is limitless in her bounty, and that it is their right to denude the sea of all life. It's a David & Goliath scenario laced with tons of acrimony but still an important battle to fight. I'm going and I hope everyone on this board goes too. At the hearings there is always far more representation from the commercial fishing industry and angling community than from environmentalists. It would be nice if at the next one we could at least match their number.

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