
I really need to get a dive tracker!

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Eric S on July 04, 2008 at 20:20:14:

I was out with Chris and Curt today on my boat and I am sold on dive trackers. I watched those guys come right back to the boat every time.

Oh yeah, BTW, I forgot to mention that I finally got Chris and Curt out to Arena Rock. Very long overdue for as many times as we've attempted to do it.
Water was darn near flat calm.
The wind was almost non existent except for when we were heading back it started to blow a little.
There was no current.
And the vis didn't suck as bad as it did on monday. The vis had cleared up to 5 to 20 feet depending on where you were on the rock. It seems all the green stuff died off.
I hope those guys found it as awesome as I do every time I get out there which is a grand total of 6 dives now.

Bag limit of nice scallops.
No fish
Lots of caves again, overhangs, lot's and lot's of blues at the end of the dive. Didn't see the resident humungus wolf eel that Jon and I saw on monday. Some really big scallops way back in the cracks that were out of reach. I tried like hell again and almost got stuck this time but to no avail.
Chris took U/W and topside pictures so maybe when he gets back to LA he can do a report. He says he saw the biggest red he's ever seen, at least 25 lbs! He got a picture of it and I cant wait to see it. In fact, I cant wait to see all his photos.

And for you nudi freaks, he got some photos of some nudi's he found that are 12" to 14' or bigger but I have no idea what they are.

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