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Posted by JEFF Shaw on July 06, 2008 at 20:58:34:

In Reply to: Trip Report and Photos! - July4 on the Great Escape - Olympic Wreck and OML posted by Elaine on July 06, 2008 at 17:51:19:

We were parked next to the GE and did a lot of Elaine waving.

I don't think that the fireworks were half as interesting as the channel 16 calls.

Boater: Help, help there is a paddelwheeler backing up over my boat
CG: Sir are you in eminant danger?
Boater: Help, help there is a paddelwheeler backing up over my boat
CG: Sir where are you located?
Boater: Behind the paddelwheeler
CG: Sir what harbor.
He never answered where, what kinf of boat...

Then a drunk hit three other boats and augered into the Alamitos bay Breakwall

Then a guy with an accent like Speedy Gonzalez said "Mayday Mayday, my rope is stuck in my engine!

Then one of the big many-passanger speed boats hit the break wall after racing.

I can only remember half of them.
NONE of the boaters had a practice banter in case of an emergency.

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