
Re: Belated Dive Report: Arena Rock with Eric Sedletzky

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Posted by Eric S on July 31, 2008 at 19:07:24:

In Reply to: Belated Dive Report: Arena Rock with Eric Sedletzky posted by Chris on July 30, 2008 at 19:49:12:

Thanks Chris.
The north coast needs more coverage like that.
I don't think we get enough press up here about the diving. This really helps.

Although, sometimes I think people purposely remain tight lipped and don't mention how good the diving can be up in these parts, I Can't say I totally blame them. But then we wouldn't have great underwater shots like yours if nobody knew about it.

I can't wait to go out there again.
I hope the vis clears up and the wind goes down.

Now only if I could somehow pry Phil and Merry out of OML and take them out to wash rock, and while I'm at it a few more of you.
Hey Phil, do you want to borrow the plans for that boat?
You're always complaining how you need a boat, well there you go!

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