
Vets 8/5 Night Dive

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by Lee on August 06, 2008 at 16:27:15:

Date: 8/5/08
Dive Location: Vets
Buddy(ies): Angelique
Time: 9:05 pm.
Bottom Time: 1 Hr 7 Min
Max Depth: 80 fsw
Vis: 20+
Wave height: 1-2 Feet
Temp at depth: 57 F
Surface Temp: 69F

Last night, I met up with Angelique, Kyle and Brooke at Vets. We split up into 2 groups; Angelique was with me (as usual). This dive was the first Night Dive for Angelique in her new Dry Suit and she did Great!! There were no issues at all.

The plan was to go out at the middle stairs swim out to the end of the pier and drop. On the way out we were talking about Shark Week from last week and to be honest with you, the Great White footage that they showed all week leads ones imagination to wonder a bit….YIKES

The water was VERY calm almost no waves and almost zero surge. The visibility was 20 plus once you started to make your way down the canyon. Overall, conditions were wonderful and very relaxing. The cool thing about the dive was that it was so mellow in the shallows that it made it super easy for photography. After checking out the canyon and the salad bowl, we ran across some lines and played with the kelp crabs and baby kelp fish that were hanging out all across the area. We also ran into a HUGE Sheep Crab (check the video).

Exiting was one of those great nights where you could stay under till 6 feet or so and then just pop up and walk out. What a mellow, easy and relaxing dive!!!

Here are some pictures from last night:


Giant Sheep Crab Video

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