
salt point dive report

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Posted by gonphishing on August 17, 2008 at 21:47:34:

salt point dive report

Jerry. a good friend of mine who I met in so cal bug diving, came up this weekend for some free diving. he arrived on thursday at ocean cove. where we set up camp. and began to plan the net few days of diving. I brought my boston whaler. and when friday morning arrived we suited up. and hit the water. temp was about 55 deg. vis varied to there you were at. I saw 3' all the way to about 10'. the swell was about 5-6' with a rough every 3-5 min 8+ just trashing the place. we went to glass house for some free diving. the kelp was thick!!! and how!!! this was a trip to hone in jerry's free dive skills. he was consistently hitting 20'- 25' after a few warm-ups. we really had a good time.

sat we met up with taoh and Kevin and went to south gerstle. I stayed back for the free diving. just Jerry Kevin and taoh. I got some good photos. check them out.

at 9 am Eric showed up for the back pack dive. we all went to the main cove and geared up and off we went. Jerry and I paired up and Eric kevin & toah were taoh. jerry and I hit about 45' vis in the cove was about 3' at best. but there was a pocket on the north side of the cove that opened up to almost 10' rather shocking. jerry and I stayed together for the whole dive. keeping close tabs on each other. is was freedom like no other. I rather enjoyed it. think I will continue to practice this style of diving. thanks Eric!!!

fisheater (oran) joined in for the 2nd dive with taoh and kevin. and after we all went up to woodside to the Johnson's camp at woodside and had a dinner and conversation.

sunday we met up at fort ross with kevin and the new guy Jeff for some ab diving @ 10 am. My apologies Kevin and jeff. Jerry was on a mission to get mack to LA. so we cut out early.. over all it was an excellent weekend. cant wait to do it again.. cheers all..








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