
Dive Report: The Sea Divers at Santa Barbara Island

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chris on October 02, 2008 at 10:48:24:

Twenty Three Sea Divers returned yesterday from two days at Santa Barbara Island aboard the Peace. The visibility was 60+ feet, the water temperature varied from 59 °F to 64 °F.
Everyone caught bugs, and most of them were nice. The biggest was 7¼ lbs. caught by Jason Dabareiner. Most were in the 2½ lb. to 5 lb. range.

Bob Davis, Carol Beck, and Chris Cervellone
Bob Davis, Carol Beck, and Chris Cervellone

Chris Grossman
Chris Grossman

Jason Dabareiner
Jason Dabareiner

Roger Carlson
Roger Carlson

© Chris Grossman

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